Worth So Much More

You are broken
You are hurting
You feel you are unworthy

You think yourself unlovable

You have been wounded
You have been betrayed
Those who should love you most
Have left you alone

You are lost
You search for meaning, for love
But you are guarded
You don’t want to be hurt again

So many times you’ve been abandoned
So many times you’ve been told you’re not worth it
So many times you’ve had your heart ripped out and trampled on

And you believed the lies

Child, you are loved more than you could ever know
You are worth so much more than you can fathom
You deserve only the best

But you believe the lies

Darling, you are beautiful, you are worthy, you are loved

You were created for big things
Do not settle for “good enough”
You deserve to be happy
You deserve to be loved

But you believe the lies

Why can’t you understand how special you are?
There is no one on earth like you
You are irreplaceable
You are my beloved

But you believe the lies

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